Our supported living homes and the activities run at our Wiltshire Development Centres ensure our clients who have learning disabilities have choice and the opportunity to live independently.
If you, or a member of your family, would like to find out about our homes or the day activities we have on offer, do give us a call.

Achieve your goals
We support and enable adults with learning disabilities to take control and live the life they choose. Our team will work alongside you and your family, carers and advocates to design the support you feel is right for you and which will help you achieve your goals and the independent life that you would like.
Email enquiry
Individual support
Our supported living housing together with the support team enables people to live independently. We can support you to live in your own home or to share with others. You’ll have a say in where you live and who you live with. The focus is on you. We want to make sure that you feel safe, secure, and, most importantly, at home. Nearly all of our homes are small, with 3 to 4 adults sharing, but have their own private room and tenancy through a housing association or private landlord.
Our most recent CQC inspection rated our services as Good.
Read our latest CQC report
Day to day support
We provide a range of support based on your needs and aspirations, and we are on hand to help you with all sorts of everyday tasks, like budgeting, cleaning, shopping, cooking, washing, and dressing, and social, cultural and leisure activities. You might have days when you just need a bit of advice or would just like someone to talk to; we’re here for you then, too.
At Alabaré, we love to help you pursue your goals through training, education, employment and hobbies. We offer in-house training opportunities to all of our residents, and if you’re interested, we can help you pursue an NOCN award.

Activities to delight and entertain
Our learning disability housing is within easy reach of the city or town centres, shops, and leisure and community services.
There’s always something fun happening at Alabaré, with lots of activities like cycling and football. We also have a few special events; you can don your most glamorous outfit at our gala ball or perform at the annual talent show.
You can pay for the service using your personal budget or other direct payment from private funds or with funding from the local authority (if you are eligible). We also welcome enquiries for this service from out of county.
If you would like more information please give us a call or send us an email.

Alabaré Emmaus Community
Founded in 1996 in response to requests from a number of parents who wanted a safe and nurturing place where their adult child could live a life underpinned by Christian faith. The community now comprises several of our Salisbury homes offering long-term supported learning disability housing.
Each resident makes a commitment to share life together through eating and participating in spiritual development taking it in turns to prepare evening meals, which are then eaten together, and prefaced with prayer.
Our Emmaus Community regularly gather to share in hospitality, worship and the exploration of a bible story or theme eg. Holy Week and Easter.
Daytime activities at our Development Centres
Both our Development Centres in Wiltshire enjoy large gardens set aside for horticulture, workshops, a training suite, and so much more. We provide a flexible, stimulating programme of training to equip our clients with the skills to help them access employment or other educational opportunities should they wish to. Many clients from our learning disability housing decide to share time at our activity centres too. You can book placements directly by calling us at the centre or be referred through another agency, such as Community Mental Health teams or Community teams for those with learning disabilities. See below for more information on the centres.

Old Sarum Development Centre
Old Sarum Development Centre offers accredited training and meaningful daytime activities to vulnerable adults with a variety of needs.
Our programme includes opportunities to take part in horticulture and grounds maintenance, cooking, IT, woodwork and much more.
Find out more
Barford Development Centre
Barford Development Centre offers accredited vocational training and meaningful daytime activities to vulnerable adults with learning disabilities.
Operating from a terrific village setting, we offer a wood workshop, a pottery barn, training kitchen, teaching room and an acre of stunning land dedicated to horticulture.
Find out more