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Steven’s story

A letter from Steven on our Veterans Self-Build Scheme in Plymouth

I joined the Navy to escape social housing; now, I am so excited to be moving back into it. Why? I built it. One brick grab at a time.

I was petrified walking on site, I’d been stuck at home for a long time, unable to function most days, and the prospect of manual labour in my physical condition was the furthest thing from my mind.

As I lifted each physical load of bricks, I felt the equivalent emotional load of bricks begin to lighten. Getting on-site and staying on-site (which didn’t happen every time!) was a triumph.

The support and care I have received go way above and beyond anything I could possibly have expected. I have made lifelong friendships, gained confidence, and rediscovered elements of myself that I thought were gone forever. I have a home and a job I couldn’t have dreamed of only a few short months ago. I am supporting others on the project in any way that I can, I have appeared on BBC Radio to talk about the amazing work of Alabaré and have started my own radio show as a result talking to veterans as well as others about their life stories. I look forward to Karl’s appearance very soon.

To close, I’d be very grateful if you could help extend my thanks to all involved with Project Sterling. Kevin and the team from Coydes and Mike and his amazingly patient, warm-hearted and good-spirited crew of bricklayers, thank you for looking after me. I haven’t had the chance to say thank you in person to all those in the charity. Most importantly, a big thank you to you, Karl. My life would have been very different without your efforts, skill, compassion and understanding. For all you do for everyone and for who you are, thank you, Karl.

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Jack's story, case study

Jack met up with our Alabaré Academy Employability Coach, hoping to be able to find employment and have a stable income.

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