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Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP)

Severe Weather Emergency Protocol - SWEP - homeless man in tent

If you are concerned about someone rough sleeping, over the age of 18, or if you are struggling yourself please tell an outreach worker by contacting Street Link or call 0300 500 0914

Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) provides emergency support for rough sleepers when the temperatures are expected to drop below 0 degrees for 3 consecutive nights or more. This has already be actioned once this year by Local Authorities such as Wiltshire Council. SWEP aims to ensure that vulnerable people are protected and provided for during severe weather which can mean that we provide essential dorm overnight accommodation at some of our centres.

It is important to note that if you think the person you are concerned about is under 18 please do not contact StreetLink but instead call the police.

StreetLink will ask you to provide the following information if you can do so:

  • A specific location for the rough sleeping site. You can do this by using a map to pinpoint the exact location and then provide a written description of the location.
  • Details of the time that the rough sleeper has been seen at the location.
  • Any information about the rough sleeper that will help find them (gender, approximate age, what the person looks like, what they are wearing).

You will receive details of the action the local authority normally takes when they are told someone is sleeping rough in their area and an update on what has happened if you request it.

If you think the person you are concerned about is in immediate danger or needs urgent care, please call 999.

SWEP provides emergency support for rough sleepers when the temperatures are expected to drop below 0 degrees for 3 consecutive nights or more. This has already be actioned once this year by Local Authorities such as Wiltshire Council. SWEP aims to ensure that vulnerable people are protected and provided for during severe weather which can mean that we provide essential dorm overnight accommodation at some of our centres.

If you are concerned about someone rough sleeping, over the age of 18, or if you are struggling yourself please tell an outreach worker by contacting Street Link or call 0300 500 0914

It is important to note that if you think the person you are concerned about is under 18 please do not contact StreetLink but instead call the police.

StreetLink will ask you to provide the following information if you can do so:

  • A specific location for the rough sleeping site. You can do this by using a map to pinpoint the exact location and then provide a written description of the location.
  • Details of the time that the rough sleeper has been seen at the location.
  • Any information about the rough sleeper that will help find them (gender, approximate age, what the person looks like, what they are wearing).

You will receive details of the action the local authority normally takes when they are told someone is sleeping rough in their area and an update on what has happened if you request it.

If you think the person you are concerned about is in immediate danger or needs urgent care, please call 999.

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