If you are homeless, sleeping rough or facing a housing crisis, contact your local council housing options team to find out what help they can offer.
Call 999 if you are under 18 or need emergency help
All referrals to Alabaré homeless services must come through the local authority (Wiltshire Council, North Devon and North Somerset) apart from our North Somerset drug & alcohol recovery service for men only. If you need additional support or advice, please get in touch today.
Access Streetlink

If you are currently sleeping rough, you can make an alert with StreetLink. Your alert will be passed on to your local outreach team who will try to find you at the location you give us.
An outreach team will help as soon as they can – but please don’t wait. Seek other help if you can.
Streetlink websiteSearch for local support services

Homeless provides a link to the most comprehensive database of homelessness services. It is constantly updated and lists of 1,500 projects up and down the country with contact details and service descriptions.
Search for hostels and other support services here.
Homeless Link websiteWiltshire council
Wiltshire Housing Advice Service
Warm Spaces are available in libraries in Devizes, Trowbridge, Salisbury, Chippenham, Calne, Corsham, Marlborough, Malmesbury and Tidworth.
A system is in place for those rough sleeping with no ID to join for access to books and computers.
A Wiltshire Warm Spaces directory may also be found here.
North Somerset local authority
Contact ABS Referrals
North Devon local authority
The North Devon Council office in Barnstaple is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am – 1pm and Ilfracombe 9am – 5pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. If it is after 5pm or at the weekend call the out of hours number 01271 388240.
Apply online
Alabaré Drop-In Centres
Rough sleepers can get free meals, showers, and advice at Alabaré ‘Somewhere to Go’ Drop-In Centres in Salisbury and Chippenham.
Alabaré Place
(open Monday – Saturday from 11am – 3pm)
58 Barnard Street, Salisbury SP1 2BJ
Unity House
(open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2pm to 6pm)
4 Wood Lane, Chippenham SN15 3DJ
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol
SWEP is activated when the Met Office forecasts a temperature below zero Celsius for at least three consecutive nights. Alerts will be made on our and Wiltshire Council social media pages.
During SWEP Alabaré Place Salisbury has ten bed spaces
Unity House Chippenham has six bed spaces
Contact information:
Rough Sleeper Team 0300 456 0106
During out of office hours please call the Emergency Duty Service on 0300 456 0100
Self-referral to Alabaré North Somerset Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (Weston-Super-Mare)
For self referral to our Parent & baby service or our Young people service please see the relevant pages.
Other helpful organisations
Samaritans helpline for emotional support
Nightstop UK city coverage with Depaul UK
Dogs Trust Hope Project
Citizens Advice (offices in Chippenham, Trowbridge, Devizes, Salisbury)
Food banks in Wiltshire
Devizes Foodbank
Tues to Thurs 10am – 12pm / 2pm – 4pm
Unit 4, Glenmore Business Centre, Waller Road, Devizes, SN10 2EQ
The Hub@BA15
Mon – Fri 10am – 1pm
Church Street, Bradford upon Avon, BA15 1LS
St Paul’s Foodbank Centre
Mon/Wed/Friday 11am – 2pm
Fisherton Street, Salisbury SP2 7QW
Amesbury Foodbank
Tues 11am – 1pm & Thurs 1pm – 3pm
Amesbury Methodist Church, The High Street, Amesbury SP4 7ET
Storehouse Foodbank
Tues/Thurs & Friday 10am – 12.30pm
Emmanuel Church Buildings, Trowbridge BA14 8RZ
Cross Point
Mon & Thurs 10am – 12pm
Westbury Community Project, Eden Vale Road, Westbury BA13 3NY
Warminster Foodbank
Tues/Weds & Fri 10am – 1pm
Dewey House, North Row BA12 9AD
Downton Foodbank
Thurs 9am – 11am
Downton Baptist Church, South Lane, Downton SP5 3NA
Services for the homeless & vulnerable
Opendoors Devizes
Access to showers, food and benefit support
Southbroom Centre, Victoria Road, Devizes, SN10 1HG
The Hub Bradford upon Avon
Benefits support and internet access
Church Street, Bradford upon Avon, BA15 1LS
Mon – Fri 10am – 1pm
Cornerstone Warminster
Benefits support and internet access
Central Cark, BA12 9BT
Mon/Weds/Fri 10am – 12.30pm
En Circles Salisbury
Hot and cold food
Millstream Coach Park
Mon – Sat 7pm and Sunday 12.45pm